Technology has become an essential part of our lives, and it can be difficult for parents to keep up with the ever-changing technological advancements that attract our children. However, we can establish a framework for our families that will enable younger members to interact with technology in a positive and secure way, even if we can’t keep up with everything. Let’s take a look at some tips for using technology responsibly.
Leave Privacy Settings as They Are
Marketers and hackers are interested in learning everything about you, as they can benefit significantly from your online activity and social media use. However, you have control over your information. According to Life hacker, you can adjust your web browser and mobile operating system to protect your online privacy. Popular websites like Facebook also offer privacy-enhancing settings. These settings may occasionally be difficult to find because businesses need your personal information for marketing purposes. So make sure to enable and continue to enable these privacy protections.
Think Before You Publish
Anything you post online, such as messages or pictures, can remain there indefinitely. Deleting the original does not delete copies that others may have made. Therefore, you cannot take back a comment you regret or remove an embarrassing party selfie. Avoid posting anything that you wouldn’t want your mother or potential employer to see online.
Be Careful While Browsing
Just as you wouldn’t walk through a risky neighborhood, don’t explore dangerous areas online. Cybercriminals use lurid information as bait, knowing that people can be tempted by questionable content and let their guard down. Clicking on the wrong thing may compromise your device or reveal personal information. Avoid giving hackers any chance by steering clear of such desires.