Being a mom in business is one of the most difficult things to do and be, and to be successful at all, you need to be organised, have a network of friends and family to lean on, and be honest with yourself about how much time you have.
If you’ve been in the wedding and event planning industry for 10 years, you’ve probably encountered some steep learning curves, but here are my top suggestions for doing it right.
Be realistic and don’t let it overwhelm you
There will be days when the to-do list is so long and the deadlines so close that it seems impossible to get everything done in the time allotted. Don’t give up hope.
While I like using technology, I also enjoy making lists by hand. I create my weekly “to do” list in an A5 page a day journal on the Friday prior. Every Sunday, I list everything I need to get done that week and enter it into my calendar. Completing this end-of-week activity relieves stress and lets me enjoy the weekend without worrying about work.
When I wake up on Monday, I take a look at my to-do list and put down a list of reasonable chores for that day, and I cross them off as I do them. That’s only the beginning…
You can see the progress you’ve made during the day since your attention is focused on what has to be done.
Power hours!
My problem is procrastination, but I’ve found a way to conquer it by setting aside a certain amount of time each day to focus on one task. Turn off your phone, close your email and social media accounts, and get to work.
Have a 15-minute phone and email catch-up at the end of the hour and repeat. You have no limits!
Take a 15-minute rest, then do it all over once again.
Make time for you
It’s not a 9-5 job for moms in business, and it’s tempting to focus completely on others, but you must take some time for yourself. The ‘when on earth am I going to fit it in’ question is common, and I know it. Wrong! Doing something you like for an hour or two a week is a great way to relax and unwind.
Going to the gym, seeing a buddy for coffee or having your hair done during working hours are all examples of things you may be able to do if you had more time to spare.
Also, there’s no need to feel bad. Taking a break from time to time can help you be more productive. It always makes me happy to leave the office during “regular” working hours to enjoy a pleasure!
Put your phone down out of hours
Avoid squandering the little resources you have available.
Emails and social media notifications were always on my mind. I got a reality check six months ago, and now don’t glance at my phone between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. What a transformation! It took me a few weeks to get into the habit, but it’s one I’m happy with and won’t be quitting any time soon.
Relaxation in the evenings, being present with my family and friends, and better sleep contributed to my improved well-being. It’s ridiculous how much can’t wait till the next day.
Ensure your children understand why you work
Teaching your children that rewards come from saving and working hard is a great method to instil this value in them. And that’s exactly why you started your company in the first place.
Having one-off projects to work on while working in the wedding and events sector means that I have to work a lot of evenings and weekends — but it also means that I can pay for a once-in-a-lifetime vacation for my family explain to my son, who waves me goodbye.
It’s okay if you spend some weeks focusing on your company and others on your children and family; the scales are always in your favour.
In the end, I’m happy that my kid looks up to me as a strong, self-sufficient working mother — someone to emulate.
Team up with other mums in business
Time spent in daycare, preschool, or school may be stressful enough without adding in the stress of school breaks. The more people you meet on the school run, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to share childcare responsibilities.
For my friends and I to work, we often take care of one other’s children so that the other may go to the office with a smile on their face!
Managing the demands on your time
You already have a lot going on.Throw in the demands of running your own company on top of that, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed, particularly if you’re striving to be “excellent” at it all.
How on earth are you to manage the competing priorities?
Working with a business coach and mentor has made a huge impact on my career and personal life. An excellent coach can help you identify your strengths and shortcomings and create realistic objectives for the next week or month.
You have a regular somebody to report to who is always upbeat and upbeat about your company can do wonders for your drive and confidence. Since then, my business has grown exponentially.
Delegation, delegation
If I do it, I’ll be confident in the quality of the work.
You may as well have done it yourself by the time I explain it to someone else,
To be a good wife or mother, I must clean my own home and keep up with the laundry.
Is this familiar? In every way, this was me, but you must learn to delegate to enjoy your life and expand your company.
Taking on a cleaning service, ironing service, or gardener, as well as having your groceries delivered, can save you a lot of time.
Make a task list you do in your business, large and little, and track the amount of time you spend on every item on that list each week. Think about the duties you can outsource while still keeping your customers satisfied. You’ll have more time to expand your business if you periodically calculate your savings.
If you don’t want to hire someone, try using a freelancer or a virtual assistant. Set up systems for employees to communicate with and keep track of their time and effort. You won’t want to go back!
Above all, watch out for the possibility of your company taking over. Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the worry that you’re missing out or that life is slipping away from you. Set a schedule, stick to it, and put in the effort… And if you put in the effort, you’ll reap the rewards.
Think about it: You’re a superhero, and it’s not just because you can do so much for so many people; it’s because you can do so much because you can.