According to a new study from Staples, one in every ten workers is always considering shifting employment.
A hostile work environment might be to blame. Seventy-six per cent of respondents think that a well-functioning and attractive workstation helps retain employees. This may take the form of comfortable lighting, a quiet room to ponder, or simply a functioning printer, but it can significantly impact employee morale.
The critical nature of physical space
Sir Cary Cooper, Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health just at Manchester Company School, stresses the significance of workplace design for small businesses.
‘By creating the appropriate physical atmosphere, you are effectively communicating to your employees, ‘We appreciate you.’ We are aware that you knowreater proportion of your waking hours at work than at home. It demonstrates to them that you understand the value of office space.
‘Small businesses must retain competent employees. The expenses of replacing an employee, educating them, and bringing them up to speed become more crucial when a business becomes smaller.’
“You’ll reap the advantages of lower labour turnover and increased productivity in the long run.”
Additionally, he states that you must establish a reputation as an employer of choice as you develop.
‘Pay attention to your staff’s needs. In other cases, all that is needed is a physical change to the space. Do you think it’s because of the room’s size or the lighting? Each ecosystem is a one-of-a-kind entity. A variety of factors could be at work here, including that you are in the incorrect building.
‘Employees are an integral aspect of any physical workplace solution.’
Uncertainty about the return on investment may be a significant hurdle, especially for small enterprises. Cooper asserts that simply when ROI is more difficult to quantify, working on your office space is still an efficient use of time.
‘Any firm will invest in anything if they believe the outcome will be beneficial. Large corporations will have estate managers and accountants who will claim, ‘If we spend this amount, we will earn this much or see a 10-20% boost in productivity.’
‘Small company owners lack that infrastructure. They must grasp the workplace’ ands well as the employee’s productivity and wellness. That is critical. You will incur fees upfront but will reap the rewards later on in the form of reduced labour turnover and increased productivity.’